It’s Officially Paw-Paw Season

Finally, the hot weather has broken and it’s starting to feel like fall! The trees are beginning to show their colors and the apples are ripening to a crisp perfection. It’s also the start to pawpaw season!
Last week, we were notified by our local hobbyist grower, Marc Boone that the first Pawpaws of the season have dropped! Boone’s pawpaw orchard is located just west of Ann Arbor, and provides a majority of his pawpaws to the Creamery.
For those that may not know, the Asimina triloba, “Pawpaw” fruit is considered to be America’s forgotten fruit. The pawpaw tree is said to be the largest edible fruit tree that is native to eastern Northern America. The taste of this custardy fruit is mild and sweet, similar to that of a banana-mango mixture. This fall seasonal gelato flavor will only be available for a short amount of time at the Cream Top Shop. To send your taste buds on a truly unique Michigan road trip, stop by and try our Paw Paw Chip gelato!